About Lux Offices
It is our firm belief that building materials, textures, lighting, and design of space all affect the mood and physical well-being of its occupants.
“Design will undoubtedly influence productivity levels of people working in an office space.”

Our Rich History
One of our first construction projects took place in the beautiful city and culture of Barcelona, Spain. We experienced, and were influenced by, masterpiece landmarks such as “Casa Sayrach”.

Thoughtfully Designed Work Spaces
We all work more efficiently, achieve and produce quality work in an inviting, interesting environment, contrasted with cold sterile bank of similar walls and sea-of-grey work spaces.

Offices Spaces Where Creativity Can Be Seen
Research has proven color affects the psyche. Color has the power to influence our mood and emotions, and most importantly those of our clients.

Combining Cultures with Coworking
We moved back to the states in the '80s. It was our desire to replicate the emotions of vibrant Mediterranean culture, without the benefit of the 14th Century architecture.

Our Avondale Office Space
The West Valley was beginning to establish itself as the next major market in the Phoenix area. The recognizable need for premium office space led to inaugurating Palm Desert Plaza and the culture of what became our flagship office; Lux Offices Avondale.